Saturday, February 7, 2015

Hospital Diaper Bag

My sister in law recommended we purchase the Skip Hop diaper bag.  She has been through a few of them from really expensive and adorable to meh. She and her husband have discovered that Skip Hop offered them the most bang for their buck and it attaches to the stroller so you can be hands free. Nice.
Since the hospital we will be having the baby at is in Seoul and is about 2 hours away we are packing some things that you may not need if you live much closer. We will not have the option of coming back home to grab something if we need it so we opted to be over prepared without going nuts.
Everything for the baby going home is provided by us and everything while the baby is in hospital is provided by the hospital. 

We are -so far- taking 2 bags with us: diaper bag and a carry on. We may add Joseph's backpack which will house our laptops but we are not fully decided yet. Well, we are not decided if we really want to carry that with us seeing as Joseph is going to be carrying everything home including the baby strapped to his chest.
In the diaper bag are 2 burp cloths, 6 diapers, butt paste, baby powder, changing pad, 2 hats, 6 outfits that are mostly gender neutral just in case there are any more surprises. Socks, mittens for newborns hands, 2 blankets (1 swaddle and 1 thicker for covering the baby on the way home), baby first aid kit, wipes, 2 large ziploc bags, some cash-just in case- and I think that is it.
Before leaving home I will add my wallet to one of the bags in addition to any paperwork we need to bring with us.
Below are photos of everything included in the diaper bag thus far. I have repacked it a few times taking out things and changing things around.
Remember, if your hospital is much closer to your home and you have access to a car or other quick transportation to your home you may wish to travel much lighter. 

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