Monday, June 23, 2014

The 2 Week Wait: 2WW

The 2ww is traditionally a time of nervousness for many women (sometimes men as well to be fair) about whether or not all of this effort and time a couple has put into this has worked.  This is the time where all we can do is wait.  Nothing we can do helps the outcome (according to research) however that does not stop women from doing many different things to try and influence it anyway.

From acupuncture to eating pineapple to bed rest or little to no activity.  These are just a few of the things some women try out during this time to help things along.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cost of Rachel IVF: Seoul

How much has this second round of IVF cost us thus far?

Each patient and couple are different and each have different needs.  Ours are at the lowest end of the IVF spectrum so please take that into consideration when looking at the numbers below.

Also, all prices are in Korean Won (to convert into USD: 13,000W = $13.00USD approximately.

Friday, June 20, 2014

2 Frozen Embryos

While eating lunch today, Joseph and I got a phone call from Rachel IVF.  They told us that we have 2 embryos that meet the criteria to be frozen and used at a later date.

Remember, we began with ten eggs and then that became 6 embryos and on day 3, two were transferred back into me.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Embryo Transfer Day!

Maybe I should not be so excited, but I really cannot help it.  Our first cycle of IVF felt like a trial run.  Now that we have Joseph sorted and me sorted things just feel better.  We are more confident in what's happening and the overall feel of the whole thing just feel better.  Feels more positive.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Update Rachel IVF

An update on  They will no longer be open on Saturday's.

This may only be for June, but Dr. Lee made sure to tell me that their Saturday hours were closing with the exception of surgeries.  I will ask her and update again.

If you need to make a first time appointment, their hours are from approximately 8am (if you are already a patient this is possible) until about 6pm (or 7pm if you are already a patient).

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Egg Transfer and hOrMoNeS

Lots and lots of hormones.  So many that I had to make a chart for each one to remember when I am supposed to take it and how many times a day for each one.  I also have a little check box for each day for each hormone so I can check it off when I take it.  It is a lot.

I will go this Monday, June 16, 2014 at 3pm to get the little embryos turkey basted back in.  Hopefully a little parasite attaches itself and stays this time.

Post-Op Egg Removal Surgery #2

Alive and more than well.

The surgery went brilliantly.  Dr. Lee is a goddess of medicine. 

The surgery went super well.  Joseph and I arrived at Rachel about 9:40am or so and I was taken back and asked to change and then led to a bed.  The nurse put an IV saline drip in my arm and then pricked the same arm to check for an allergic reaction. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Egg Removal Surgery #2

I am so excited! 

My egg removal surgery is scheduled for this Friday at 10:30am (June 13, 2014).


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Injections: Menopur, Follitropin and Cetrotide

Since the post-op follow up, I have been to the doctor twice more to receive injections to take home.

I am being given menopur, follitropin and cetrotide. 

The estrogen was used for 14 days prior to these injections to get my body ready to make more eggs.  The monopur and follotropin is used to make them grow big and healthy and the cetrotide is used to I don't ovulate before the doctor wants me to.

I have been doing 5 days of the follitropin an menopur thus far and tomorrow, Saturday June 7th, I will begin the cetrotide. 

I return to the doctors office on Tuesday for another exam and medication.  It is this day we will find out our surgery date.  It should be either next Thursday, Friday or Saturday.