Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Baby Shower!

The baby shower was on January 24, 2015.  It was a wonderful time.

Tiffany hosted, decorated, cooked, planned, etc. the entire thing.  She was superwoman.  Everything was lovely and perfect and we had 12 guests total.  We all barely fit into our apartment but we had a great time.

The ladies who were able to come were lovely.  We played 2 games: make a baby out of clay and write on a diaper (or more than one) and then we put them back into the diaper boxes to be pulled out at random.

The food was delicious and the conversation was funny and light.

A lot of the people who were unable to come because they were on vacation were so kind and brought gifts back from their home country when they arrived back.  So thoughtful!

Tiffany worked really hard cooking and creating the decorations by hand--even the invitations!  She did a wonderful job and this baby shower was as American as it could have been without being in America.   Thank you Tiffany!

The photos are what Tiffany took during the shower.   Enjoy!

Rhoda, me, Lysa

Thank You gifts: nail polish, nail file and cotton swabs


Truffula Trees!  Handmade by Tiffany 

Kate, Amanda, Mandy, Lee Ann

Kate, Amanda, Mandy, Heather

Lee Ann, Jennifer, Kate

Lysa creating works of art on the diapers

creating babies out of I-Clay

Rhoda's baby, Freddie

Hooray for Books!
A baby carry from Lee Ann and her husband

Thank you for coming! 


  1. what nice pics! thanks for sharing. love, mom

  2. Looks like a lot of fun - loved the clay babies!

    Love, jenny

  3. Sorry I missed it although I would have not enjoyed making things from clay---am terrible! Your friends are very talented! I recall with fond memories the shower I gave your mother when she was expecting you and how we laughed and called you "Rocky Jarocki!"

    Aunt Mary

  4. Looks like a lot of fun!! Great pictures!!
