Tuesday, June 30, 2015

4 Month Sleep Regression

We have begun sleep training a little early and are loosely following the cry it out method.
The swaddle is no longer a safe thing to use so now we only swaddle his middle and both arms are out. He is also wearing a sleep sack.  Tonight we are debating whether or not to use the swaddle at all. Will probably not use it and just stick with the sleep sack.


Jasper grabbed and put his binkie into his mouth today. It was great to see him using his small motor skills in this way.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Father's Day

Joseph's first Father's Day.
Went exactly like Mother's Day: follow Jasper's schedule and nothing bad will happen. Ha!

So Tired

Munchkin is growing well and fast. He is already wearing 6 month clothes and he is already on the highest standing level on his ExerSaucer. Wow.