Saturday, April 12, 2014

Rachel IVF Costs

We have been patients at Rachel IVF Hospital for about a month now.

When this next cycle of IVF is complete I will update the costs but for now, this is what we have spent thus far at Rachel.

Surgery update

I will be having surgery on Friday, May 9th for a hysteroscopic polypetomy.  Go here for a video of this procedure and go here for further information about what it is.

I have polyps in my uterus and the surgery will remove them.  Why not have a D&C?  My aunt asked this excellent question and so I asked my doctor.  Our doctor said that the hysteroscopic polypetomy is more sensitive and better at detecting and removing all types of uterine legions, polyps, etc. than a D&C.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Yesterday (Friday), I went to the doctor again for a hysteroscopy.  It was relatively painless but there was some cramping. 

I almost missed my 6:45am train and my appointment was at 8:30am in Seoul.  I took 3 tylenol an hour before and when I was in the surgical suite, the nurses asked me to change and gave me a hair cap to wear.  I was escorted to a bed to lie down in and given a shot of pain killer in my bum.  It burned after she gave it to me.  I have a small lump where the shot was but over night it has disappeared. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Back and Forth

Tuesday was a busy day.

I had class from 10-12 then I had the catch the train at 12:30. I got into Seoul at 1:30 and was at the doctor by 2.  Out again by 2:05 and on the 3pm train back to Daejeon. All for a blood test.
An 81,000w blood test.

Back to Daejeon and my class from 5 to 7 then my next class from 8:30 to 9:30.  Whew!

Finally, I was able to go home and relax with J.

This week will end with another trip up to Seoul on Friday at 6:45am for my endoscopy exam. Fun times.