Sunday, August 31, 2014

NT Exam

This past Friday I went again to Seoul to visit my doctor.

I needed to get a sonogram that specifically focused on NT (nuchal translucency) for early indicators of Down's Syndrome.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

How To Prevent Swollen Legs and Ankles

You can help relieve the increased pressure on your veins by lying on your side. Since the vena cava is on the right side of your body, resting on your left side works best.
Here are some other tips:

Glucose Test Part 2

I completed the second, longer and more involved glucose test and it was fine.

Everything was normal and all of my numbers were normal.

I don't have gestational diabetes so far. The doctor will want to conduct another test around week 24 or so and we will go from there.

Swollen Ankles, Desks and Clothes!

My new position at the university I work at began this week.  It is an administration position and is wonderful.  What isn't so wonderful are my swollen legs and ankles from sitting 6 hours at a time.  I have never sat for so long at a teaching position.  I'm used to, and enjoy, walking and standing for 8 hours a day in the classroom.  I do not like sitting for so long--especially with these pregnancy side effects.  I looked it up and found some exercises to do while sitting at my desk but I will also make a point to get up and walk (to the bathroom, ha!) at least once an hour.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Glucose Test: Gestational Diabetes

When I had my first appointment this past Friday, Dr. Oh scheduled a glucose screening test for me.

I had to drink a disgusting 2oz. mixture of glucose--I don't eat candy or sweet things anymore so this was overly sweet to me.  It was gross.

Anyway, an hour after drinking that I had my blood taken and got the results yesterday.  My glucose level was 147 which warranted the doctors' secretary calling to schedule a longer glucose test.  I will go in tomorrow for that at 10am.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Samsung Medical Hospital: Gangnam, Seoul

Joseph and I have chosen our hospital for general baby things and it is located in Seoul.  Gangnam, to be precise.

I had my first appointment yesterday with Dr. Oh (woman) and she is amazing.  Dr. Lee spoke with her concerning our patient history, etc. with her prior to me going so everything was great when I met with Dr. Oh.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Vanishing Twin

If you have been reading this blog for a bit you know that this first began as 1 then twins and now it is back to one baby.  The second one is classified as a "vanishing twin."  

In looking at the untrasounds and discussing things with Dr. Lee at Rachel IVF, there was only the gestational sac.  No baby was ever inside of it so there shouldn't be anything to concern ourselves with about extra cells or something combing with the current baby.  *fingers crossed*

Monday, August 4, 2014

Pregger Symptoms

I have been quite lucky so far so if, during your pregnancy, you suffered through months of Pregger Puke, read no further because I am sorry.

I have been very lucky in that I have not had ANY morning/day/noon or night sickness at all.  I have thrown up only once (today) from being in the back of a taxi that kept breaking every 100 feet all of the 4 miles home on a full stomach.  Other than that, no puke, for which I am grateful.

I do feel queasy and nauseous especially if I am walking around outside and something smells awful.  If Joseph has too much garlic or eggs, I can't stand it.  So we aren't eating garlic for awhile. The eggs only gross me out if I see him put them in his smoothie (raw) or see him eating any on a plate.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Good Bye Rachel

This week, Thursday, July 31st was our last day as patients at Rachel IVF.  Joseph was on vacation this week and was able to come with me to this last appointment.  Together, we heard and saw the baby's heartbeat and were able to see it moving inside the sac.  It still doesn't seem real yet, but it will soon enough.