Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Back and Forth

Tuesday was a busy day.

I had class from 10-12 then I had the catch the train at 12:30. I got into Seoul at 1:30 and was at the doctor by 2.  Out again by 2:05 and on the 3pm train back to Daejeon. All for a blood test.
An 81,000w blood test.

Back to Daejeon and my class from 5 to 7 then my next class from 8:30 to 9:30.  Whew!

Finally, I was able to go home and relax with J.

This week will end with another trip up to Seoul on Friday at 6:45am for my endoscopy exam. Fun times.


  1. wow, how are you?
    love, mom and dad

  2. Hi,
    I also had blood test done few weeks back. It was for the purpose to check if I have enough follicle reserves. It cost me 150.000/- and I'm covered by Korean insurance. Why is mine so expensive. Are you also covered under Korean Insurance?
    -Maria Bano
