Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Sounds a bit scary.
Jasper now has it.
He has spots all over himself. He didn't go to school yesterday due to a fever and today they sent him home due to the hfmd.
A coworker friend has 2 children at Jasper's school as well and they also have it in addition to other Woosong professors with kids in daycare. Tis the season.
Hand, foot, and mouth generally presents itself during the summer and/or fall.
Joseph and I are curious if we can contract it and it looks as if it is rare because of our immune system. *fingers crossed*

Jasper has to stay home until all the spots and blisters disappear which can take 5-10 days.
In America it wouldn't be a problem taking a few days off but in Korea it is a problem.
Thankfully our schedules are opposite enough where we can tag team caring for Jasper at home.
This weekend is also the Korean Thanksgivign, Chuseok, and so we have next Monday and Tuesday off as holiday so this is also good time for all that.
I have deconed the house and have washed all bedding and plush toys and other things Jasper regularly plays with. I have set up a type of corral with plastic, easy to clean toys so he will only play with those until things pass.
Not having a dryer is a bit of a nuisance now.
Jasper's behaviour hasn't really been affected. He is tired but still smiles and laughs. He is babbling away and giggling when we do funny things. He is a trouper. He is a bit more senestivie in terms of getting hurt. He fell sideways earlier and cried for a good while when normally he wouldn't.  Cuddles go a long way.
Here is a link for further information for adults.

1 comment:

  1. Aaawww, poor little tyke! It's tough when they are sick but he doesn't seem to be too upset about it! Here's hoping he is soon well. He looks a bit like Elizabeth in the third photo! Cute!

    Aunt Mary
