Saturday, August 29, 2015

Back to Work

Finally started back to work this past Friday.
I had been working from home doing paperwork and things but physically going into work began this past Friday.
I have really missed it.

Have had a lot of thoughts on how women combine the pressures of their job and home lives.
How do they find time to exercise and do all of the things they need to do at home and work and excel at both. Dry shampoo has become my friend lately. It takes too long with the hair dryer and it is too loud so I try and wash my hair when Jasper is at school.  Never thought I would need to plan when to wash my hair.  Other quirky things...a pillow at the top of his crib for him so he doesn't hit his head on the bars and wake up. At night we put him in the next size up diaper so we dont need to change him as often at night. Lately we have had to change him about midnight so he doesn't leak but so far so good. We actually ordered night time diapers so we will see how they work. We cant get them here so Amazon has become a good friend as well.

1 comment:

  1. I still wash my hair at night and let it air dry so the hair dryer does not disturb anyone. lol
