Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mother's Day

My first mother's day. 
With Jasper's schedule we did not do anything.  Just hung out at home and played with Jasper.
He is 14 weeks old.

Jasper is getting so big! He will grow up to be tall and handsome.
Three months in and we have over 2000 photos and videos. Holy moley!  Thank goodness for digital!
We are so super lucky to have him.  It still sometimes doesn't seem real.
Jasper has begun sleeping through the night until about 6 or 7am.  He laughs and smiles at us and he can also recgonize Kate, Brian and Tiffany. He is such a smart boy. He has also begun copying us when we say mama, dada, and I love you.  He enjoys sitting and standing and gets grumpy if we dont stand him up often. He still only cries if he is hungry and/or has a dirty diaper. We are so lucky to have him.
We read to him every day. All kinds of books and stories and songs. Tolstoy and Harry Potter are his favorites so far. Haha.  He grins or giggles when we read those the most.
Being a parent is awesome.


  1. OMG!!!!!!!! He is sooooo precious!!
    and you guys look fabulous!!

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  2. These photos are wonderful, thanks for sharing such wonderful pics. Lots of love, mom & dad
