Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Teacher-Parent Meeting

Jasper's first school conference was today.
4pm Wednesday. Joseph was still working so it was just myself and my friend (to translate).
I met my friend/coworker and she went with me. Both of her children attend the same school, her son is in the same room as Jasper.

She translated most of it.
I learned Jasper's daily routine, his diaper habits, eating habits, how he is doing with the other babies and small toddlers. 
He eats well and in fact, eats the least out of all of the children in his age range and yet he is the tallest/largest. Ha!
We follow the western guidelines for feeding him. Not the Korean ones: stuff the baby full of milk and food until they puke.
Jasper can stand up alone for 10-15 seconds without holding anything. Little man is getting stronger!
When he pulls himself up or stands up on his own, if nothing solid is nearby he uses another baby/kid as his stool: he kind of pushes them over, leans on them for support and stands up. The mental picture in our heads is the best. All in the name of independence!
He will begin eating school lunch when he turns 1 and it is something I am not yet okay with. A lot of Korean food has hidden sugar, similar to hidden salt in American food. I will probably just make his own lunches and not worry about the weird stares and questions.
School lunches here are MUCH better than daycare/public school lunches in America. Hands down.  I just want to know exactly what he is eating and we don't want him to have the excess sugar/salt in his diet.
I have included a photo of a typical school lunch at his school. The school posts a photo each day of the lunch and 2 snacks (with a description under the photo) in the schools phone application.
I asked about his first birthday and if they do anything for that. They do something at one time each month for the young ones. They each wear their hanbok (we dont have one) or something nice,  and take tons of photos for the parents and eat chicken and candy. Pass.
Birthday parties here are VERY different than western ideas of birthday parties. Soooo vastly different. Another post about those as it gets closer to Jasper's birthday.
So our first parent/teacher conference down, a bunch more to go.


  1. Such an adorable young man and proud mommy and daddy!
    I just love all!!

  2. Super cute pics. He's growing up too fast!!!
