Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My Birthday and Last Visit at Samsung Medical

My birthday came and went. I am now 34 and barely feel as if it was my birthday. I love my birthday. I normally give myself an entire week (month) to celebrate. This year? I completly forgot about it. Joseph and Tiffany asking me what I wanted to do is when I realized it was coming up in a few days. Whaaat?

I truly didn't want to do anything because we have worked hard to get Jasper on as much a schedule as we can right now. Why would I want to mess with that just because it was my birthday?
Joseph took me on a lovely picnic and we took lots of photos of Jasper--of course. 
The next evening on my actual birthday we had pizza and ice cream with Brian and Tiffany. That is the only thing I could think of that was take out that I wanted to eat. Haha!
First, Jasper's bedtime routine. Last, pizza and ice cream. In actuality, Brian and Joseph began eating without us and Tiffany and I were in the bedroom with Jasper while he was winding down and falling asleep.
Happy Birthday to me.
I went to Samsung Medical on April 28th and had a blood glucose test, gyno check with Dr. Oh and a leg sonogram and meeting with Dr. Kim about my leg. Whew!
Jasper and I headed to Seoul on the 620am train with him strapped to my chest, a packpack on my back and a stroller in my hand. I rode first class each way to have enough room for everything and be comfortable.
The glucose test went well. Fasting was 94 and 2 hours later was 76. My gestational diabetes is gone. Horray!
My appt with Dr. Oh was great. Jasper had just finished eating so one of her interns held him while she looked at me (he stays upright 30m after eating) and then she gave me the NICEST card. She is a one of a kind doctor. She gave me a Hallmark card and told me it was for Jasper. She said she really enjoyed our family and how nice we are and that she is lucky to be our doctor and that Jasper is lucky to have us as parents. Totally got a little teary. I WISH we lived closer to Seoul so we could continue to see her.
My leg sonogram was fine and super quick and when I saw Dr. Kim he looked at my leg as well and deemed it a perfect recovery/surgery. Great news. I asked him a few questions and I no longer need to wear compression stockings unless I go on a plane and no more kids because that would make me high risk for clots and death. He didn't say dont have more but it was a *strong* suggestion. He also told me exercises to do to help out preventing DVT. Swimming and walking are the best and leg/calf raises as well each day can help prevent future drama with my leg veins. *fingers crossed*
All in all a good day. Jasper was well behaved also. Not too fussy except once for a few minutes because he was hungry and I was paying and couldnt get to him in time to stave it off. Otherwise I timed things out pretty well.
One thing about hospitals are there are lots of older people and these older people simply love babies. Especially foreigner babies. ALL the women who passed us stopped to coo over him and a fair number of men as well. One aujjuma (old lady) yelled at me because I had the visor down on the stroller so no one could see in. She actually tipped the visor up so she could see him. Said he couldnt breathe...bah. he was being over stimulated and needed a break lady. Before I could voice my diseasure at her another older aujjuma yelled back at her saying to not touch him and told me it was okay, that she took care of the other lady.  Too funny. Glad Jasper was sleeping or he may have had a mini cry.
All in all a great day--although super tiring. I got home by 630pm and was glad Joseph could take over while I had a rest.


  1. Well first of all A VERY HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! Next your son is just beautiful and a very very cute!!

  2. Oh Elizabeth, you are the best. What good parents you and Joseph are. Keep up the excellent work! Jasper smiling pic is adorable. Thanks for sending the wonderful photos. Love, mom
