Monday, March 9, 2015

1 Month

Our handsome baby boy is 1 month old.
He is such a good baby. He eats every 2 or 3 hours depending if he has had breast milk or formula.
He sleeps after eating until his next feeding for the most part.  This week he has begun staying up longer after eating and night time he has been hit and miss for going to sleep after. We keep the house dark at night with lights only when we need them to help him know it is night time.

Mom, Joseph and I are enjoying dressing him up and taking photos.
For his 1 month "celebrations" we went to a Korean BBQ and bought a tiny selection of a few desserts.
His milestones so far are being able to follow our fingers or eyes/faces most of the time, being able to hold his head up some of the time, wiggling more often and being able to turn on his side sometimes.
Breastfeeding is super hard. He doesn't latch so I have been exclusively pumping every two or 3 hours during the day and at least once at night-if I remember to do so in my zombie nighttime state.
I am only able to pump about 3oz each day-total-for him. The rest is formula. Makes me feel bad but after researching he gets the same benefits from 2-3oz of breastmilk each day as having it all day so knowing that helps me feel a little better.

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