Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easter 2015

Easter Sunday was raining so we could not participate in Woosong's Easter Egg Hunt. Fast forward to today, April 12th and it is Orthodox Easter Sunday so we did not miss a thing.
We chose an outfit for Jasper to wear the night before and this morning lovingly dressed him in it and took his photo. 

It is the most spring time/Eastery type outfit we have that would semi fit him (it is a bit big but no less adorable).
We got a few blankets and the toys we were bringing as our contribution for the hunt.  We walked across the street to the Woosong kindergarten and met up with the other foreigner families.  Said hello to those we knew and we took a few photos of the other kids playing then we went about our business of taking our own photos.
As the parents divided into a few groups--some to distract the kids and some to hide things, Joseph and I just looked on and chatted with grown ups here and there.
Time for the hunt!  Jasper found a couple of eggs but he slept through most of it.
We stayed about an hour then headed to the cafe around the corner for coffee and a pasty. 
Such fun!
Happy Easter Jasper!♡


  1. Wow, exciting first Easter. Jasper is adorable, all of the pics are great. Thank you. Lots of love, mom & dad

  2. I just love getting to see such beautiful pictures and such a happy and lovely couple and such a darling and precious little guy!!

  3. cute. You can see how much he has grown and he has little chubby cheeks. Looks like you both are doing everything right!!!

    Love ,
    Aunt Mary
