Friday, May 16, 2014

Post-Op Follow Up

Today, Friday, was the follow up for the uterine polyps removal surgery.

The doctor checked my insides and deemed everything perfect and then we discussed the next step.

The surgery went well and I even saw photos of it and what it looked like inside my uterus before, during, and after the surgery.  It was pretty awesome.  But then again, I like that kind of thing.

My uterus is so empty and flat, versus how it was before the surgery: wavy and bumpy with polyps, that I could even see the tiny black hole leading to one of my fallopian tubes.  It was pretty fascinating.

I was given estrogen today to take 2x a day until June 2nd.  Baring any delays in my body, beginning June 2nd I will begin injections just like before and on June 13, 14, or 15th, I will have the egg removal surgery.

The estrogen I am taking now is supposed to ensure all of my follicles are the same size to better enhance their value when it comes time to remove them.  Last time there were only 2 viable eggs and this estrogen will help ensure more of them (with the addition of the upcoming injections).

Now...I'm feeling a little selfish.  It's been 2 years since either of us has been to America and we are jumping at the bit to go for a few weeks.  If I am pregnant from this round of IVF the doctor told me today that it would not be possible to go to America since it is such a long plane ride (at least 23-25 hours) and at that time I would only be 6 weeks along so it would be too dangerous.  But missing seeing the family.  Two years is a long time not to hug people you love.  Skype and email only go so far.

I guess this would mean I get to online shop and have it delivered to Korea.  We are perfectly okay with that too, but man...we really wanted to rent a car and drive to stores.   

We are really hoping this round of IVF works out.  *fingers and toes crossed*

If it doesn't though, we'd like to drown our sorrows in American capitalism.


  1. we love you both, good luck.
    mom & dad

  2. Fingers and toes=crossed!!!

    Aunt Mary

  3. Thanks Mom and Dad! Thanks Aunt Mary!
    Love you!
