Thursday, July 10, 2014

Glad Tidings?

I have intentionally not posted anything the last couple of weeks.

The 2ww was really hard this time.  Harder than the first time because it felt more was at stake this time.  To me anyway.  Joseph was just not thinking about it which was sometimes a bit frustrating.

I went back to Rachel EARLY on Friday, June 27, 2014 and had a blood test.  They called that morning about 11am to tell me the results: 176.28 is the first beta result.  This is a good sign.  In reality though, this number means nothing until the 2nd beta test.

On Monday, June 30, 2014 (Dad's birthday!) I went for my 2nd beta blood test and the number more than doubled to 601.02.  This is EXCELLENT. 

Now remember, it doesn't matter what your numbers are the first time as long as they at least double the second and third tests.  If they don't continue to double, it is not quite a good sign, but your doctor will be able to tell you more.  Each person is different but generally, the numbers at least doubling is a really positive sign.

Also, only people that do IUI and IVF need to worry about beta blood testing.  Why?  If you get pregnant naturally, you would have missed your period and taken a pregnancy test.  Beta blood tests are done very early and a HPT would NOT work (more than likely) in these instances.  Taking a HPT while doing IUI or IVF is a good way to get a false positive or a false negative because of all of the hormones in your body.

So what's all this mean for us?

See for yourself:

The doctor has concluded that I am 4 weeks as of Friday, July 4th.  If you look on the lower left of the photo where the plus signs are, that is the important bit. 3.19mm small. Hehehehe!

Dr. Lee gave me 6 more days of endometrin and baby aspirin and had me take my 3rd and last beta blood test and then we will go from there.

I go back this Thursday, July 10, 2014 for the doctor to confirm my pregnancy and to tell us if it is one baby or two.

Update:  Just went again yesterday, Thursday, July 10th and the doctor told me my 3rd and last beta test numbers were through the roof at 2818.  That is amazing.  She did a sonogram and ... look what she showed me:
baby 2

first baby from last week
Have you noticed a difference between the two photos yet?  It is TWO babies.  The bottom photo is the baby from last week and it has grown a lot from 3mm last week to 12mm this week.  The second baby is 6.66mm and is quite small.  The doctor said there is a 30% chance of it not making it but also there is a 70% chance of it pulling through so there it is.

I will go back next week for another sonogram and every week after until 8 weeks or when there is a heartbeat.  Whichever comes first.  Yesterday I was given 8 more days of hormones which I will continue until 8 weeks or there is a heartbeat.

Not really having any symptoms yet other than being really, really, really tired all of the time.  Also at yesterday's appointment Dr. Lee said that the second (smaller) one is not as old as the larger one.  So this is possibly why it won't make it because they didn't implant at the same time--they were about a week off.  We shall see what happens.  Either way, it's okay. When we began all this we knew twins was a possibility but as long as one makes it we are okay.

If both make it, they will not be identical but fraternal twins.

But so far...

It's TWINS! 


  1. Wow! Great news! Thanks so much for sharing! Love, Jenny

  2. Thank you so much for the happy messages! We love you all!

  3. Hi Elizabeth and Joseph I am so excited for you!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Take good care of yourself and babies. Love and miss you! DEBBIE M.

  4. happy happy news. we love you. take care of yourselves.
    love, mom and dad

  5. Hi Guys,

    That is super great news! I hope you got my previous message which apparently went through gmail.... Elizabeth, I hope you continue to feel well. Tiredness is all part of it! Maybe 18-20 years from now you will get rested up ;-).
    Aunt Mary

  6. Thank you Aunt Mary, Debbie and Mom and Dad. :-)
    Love you!! <3
