Saturday, December 19, 2015

Going Home!

Jasper and I are flying home to visit family!
Joseph and I are so excited for Jasper to meet his family.
So many wonderful things to do and so very little time to fit them all in.
Publix. How we have missed you!  I cannot wait to wander slowly up and down each aisle and see things I forgot about and things I havent thought about in so long. Publix subs! Deli meat! Cereal.....a variety of milk and dairy to choose from!

English bookstores. Reading and understanding what I read. Seeing books that interest us! Magazines...Newspapers!
Williams and Sonoma.
Crate in Barrel.
Old Navy.
Whole Foods!
Cheeeeese. Real ice cream.
Baked potatoes with sour cream, bacon bits and chives.
Shoes that fit properly. New under things!
So happy and excited.
Unfortunately, Joseph will be unabke tontravel back with us. This is really sad for one main reason: munchkins first birthday will be while we are in America and Joseph won't be there. BUT we are having a party here the Sunday before we leave which will be really special and of course I will Skype with Joseph on the day so he isn't left out.  So many videos and photos to take.
Jasper has quite a connection with Joseph now so Joseph and I will take some videos of Joseph so when Jasper wants to see him I can show him those and hopefully that will help.
We almost have a direct flight. Only 1 stop in San Fransisco then it's off to Florida. Whew! Only 15 total hours in the air and a total of 25 overall.  Not too bad. *fingers crossed* for no delays or mishaps.