Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Family Adventures

Joseph went to Osaka for 72 hours and Jasper and I had our adventures here.  Joseph explored Osaka Castle and Osaka Aquarium and I had an adventure in 24 hours single parent baby care.  I have a brand new respect for single parents.

Jasper and I enjoyed our time.  He didn't even notice Joseph was gone except bath time.  Joseph always takes him out of the bath and reads to him.

Jasper slept in the bed with me for about half the night as it was easier for me to get some sleep.  He generally wakes up when he scoots up and hits his head on the top of the crib.  We mainly stayed home and just took a walk each day around the neighborhood.  I sent Joseph a lot of photos as well.  We missed each other but it wasn't worth upsetting Jasper's schedule for 72 hours--most of that getting to and from the airport and flight time.

9 month outfit

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