Friday, August 1, 2014

Good Bye Rachel

This week, Thursday, July 31st was our last day as patients at Rachel IVF.  Joseph was on vacation this week and was able to come with me to this last appointment.  Together, we heard and saw the baby's heartbeat and were able to see it moving inside the sac.  It still doesn't seem real yet, but it will soon enough.

Also this week, I took the last of my V. tablets.  YES!  Cannot tell you how happy I am to be finished with those.  I still have about a week and a half left on the baby aspirin but no worries.  I just take one a day, whenever plus my prenatal.  No problem.

Dr. Lee helped us decide which hospital would be right for us.  Last week she gave us a list of 5 to choose from and fro there we discussed our favorite 2 with her and together decided that Samsung Hospital in Gangnam would be the best (so far).  My first appointment will be August 8th at 2:20.  It is a large hospital so we will be waiting more I imagine.

Rachel IVF gave us our transfer papers and on it, it says the second baby is classified as a vanishing twin.  It is still there but will absorb back into my body and be gone soon.  It has gotten smaller each week.  The 1st baby is doing great and this is the end of week 8.  

Saying good bye to the ladies at Rachel was a little sad but happy, too.  I had to take a photo with the receptionist as she was amazing through our entire few months there.  She giggled and laughed and was a little embarrassed when I asked if we could take a photo together but she pulled it together and we took this photo: 

So until August 8th!


  1. we are excited for all of you, take care and know how much we love you.
    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo o o oxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
    mom and dad

  2. Yeah!!! That is fantastic news! Take care. Love Debbie M.

  3. Thanks mom and Debbie!! Love you both! <3
