When I had my first appointment this past Friday, Dr. Oh scheduled a glucose screening test for me.
I had to drink a disgusting 2oz. mixture of glucose--I don't eat candy or sweet things anymore so this was overly sweet to me. It was gross.
Anyway, an hour after drinking that I had my blood taken and got the results yesterday. My glucose level was 147 which warranted the doctors' secretary calling to schedule a longer glucose test. I will go in tomorrow for that at 10am.
Most hospitals and clinics use 140 as their base line but some (like Samsung Medical) use 130 as their base line.
My numbers were not too high but we will see about this test tomorrow.
It involves:
1. fasting for at least 8 hours beforehand.
2. when I get to the hospital I will have a base line blood draw
3. I will drink 4 oz. of the original gross glucose
4. For the next 3 hours, every hour on the hour I will have my blood drawn again (total of 4 blood draws)
Then I am finished and will be able to go home and wait for the results.
Check the link below for more information:
Glucose Test
yikes, sounds like a long day. just remember, your health is paramount so the testing is worth the aggravation. love, mom and dad