Tuesday, November 19, 2013


So last week on Tuesday, November 12th, I had my egg transfer.  Joseph and I lovingly and laughingly refer to them as hatchlings. 

Joseph goes with me to all appointments unless it is just a shot (a 30 second process that doesn't hurt) then he doesn't need to be there for that so I let him sleep.

We arrive at 10am on Tuesday.  I get my daily shot in my bum and then we are waiting to see the doctor.  He tells us that there were a total of 8 eggs and out of those 2 were acceptable and viable.  Of those 2, only one made it to day 3. 

That being said, only one hatchling will be transferred.  Only one.
on my way home from the doctor

It is ironic, really.  Joseph and I did not want twins (translated, I did not want twins) and we briefly considered only doing the one embryo transfer then after further discussion and to increase our chance this first time, we decided upon 2 embryos.  In the end, the decision was taken away from us and only one could be transferred. 

After our discussion with the doctor we waited again for my embryo transfer.  At about 10:40 or so the nurse begins calling a lot of names including mine.  The women and I go through to the same room as the surgery, to change our clothes, shoes and put on slippers and our gowns.

We wait in the waiting room and one at a time we are called back to the operating room.  It's only about 5-8 minutes between women going back.  When it is my turn, I go through the sliding door and see a gurney next to the operating chair I was in last time.  I sit on the gurney and the doctor shows me our embryo.  Cool huh?  On the same large TV screen Tiffany and I saw the doctor sucking out my eggs, I can see our embryo.  It takes up most of the screen and has about 8 cells inside.  Cooooool. 

The transfer is akin to a pap smear so not any pain, just a pinch.  No worries. 

After about 5 minutes the doctor tells me to lay back on the gurney and that's my home for the next 3 hours.  Ummmm, huh? 
glass door goes to the operating room
I am glad I grabbed my phone and tucked it into the pocket of my gown before I was called back and I text Joseph to tell him the news.  He goes on to work and I lay on the gurney along with the other 8 or 9 women in the recovery room. 

We got lunch!  Gimbap--tuna and pocari sweat to drink.  I hate this drink and was glad I brought my own gatorade.  I got up to go get it and grab a few magazines from my bag.  The doctor caught me at it and told me I need to stay in bed for 3 hours.  I explained to him I needed to be to work in 3 hours and when should I leave?  He said stay for 2 then go to work.  Most, if not all of the women there are stay at home wives.  It was very quiet and peaceful in the recovery room.  Everyone was not talking and looking at their phones or sleeping. I also think I was the youngest person in there. 

recovery room + lunch
my gatorade and tuna gimbap
After class, I am to remain on bed rest for 48 hours and remain restful for 2 weeks.  No heavy lifting, no strenuous exercise, etc.  I took the remainder of the medicine and each morning I am to take progesterone cream until Saturday, Nov. 23rd. 

This Friday, Nov. 22nd, I go to the doctor for a beta blood test to check my hormone levels.  If they are high enough and double every day or so, then it is a positive.

I have no will power.  I am not overly anxious about this either.  I would like to take a home test but I am not likely to get an accurate result.  False positives and false negatives are popular with the hormones I have been on. 

That being said, I have noticed several indicators of this perhaps being positive, but then again, it could also be the hormone reactions so who knows.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a journey. Fingers crossed...
    Love, Jenny
