Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Doctor Visit 11-5-2013

Went to the doctor this morning.

Pretty tired.

J and I woke up about 6am and had coffee then headed out about 7:40 to catch the bus.  We arrived at the doctor about 8:30 and waited about 30 minutes for our appointment.

The doctor asked me again if I was having any problems or pain or any side effects of the medication (No) then asked me to go around the bend and change for my exam.

He found 4 follicles on the right and 2 on the left.  Research I have looked at says anywhere from 8-15 follicles is good.  Any more and I am in danger of over stimulation.  I don't want that, and in reality, we only need one that works. 

The size is good so far.  The doctor said he is looking for at least 15mm in size per follicle.  So far so good.

He told us to come back on Thursday and he would check again to see how many follicles.  I received an injection of the same medicine (Menopur) and will give myself an injection of the same tomorrow (Wednesday) and then Thursday, no injection yet.  We will go to the doctor and see from there.

Today, I asked again about Tiffany and Joseph in the "operation room" and the doctor seemed surprised I had asked (when I literally have asked and stated this every time so far) and I asked him if it's still okay for her to be with me and he asked if she was Korean (no) and then he said he'd have to think about it.  I told him I would feel more comfortable for something like this, etc. so we will see.  I am pushing for it.  Joseph just can't, so that's okay, but I definitely want someone I know and trust with me.

More on that as it develops.

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