Jasper's first international flight and my first as a parent. Jasper did really well on the first 10 hour flight. It was his regular bed time so he slept for most of the flight. The last 2 hours or so he was awake and restless but he handled himself moderately well. No screaming fits.
The 2nd flight was 5 hours and he was fully awake 90% of the time. He and I both fell asleep the first hour and missed lunch. After that he was entertained by the passengers and flight attendants. When that didn't work he walked up and down the aisle and tried chatting with everyone.
It was a really long flight from Korea to Florida. Almost 30 hours. Jasper did a great job. I was nervous about him because he is so active. I had him in the carrier the entire time except for when he was sleeping on the first flight. Our first flight from Korea to San Fransisco was 10 hours. Exactly about the amount of time Jasper sleeps at night. He went to sleep an hour after take off on the floor in a nest I made him at my feet. He slept pretty great and only woke up a couple of times because he was rolling over trying to get comfortable. We did his entire bedtime routine and he did great. We fully believe in schedules. The 2nd flight was 5 hours and he was fully awake 90% of the time. He and I both fell asleep the first hour and missed lunch. After that he was entertained by the passengers and flight attendants. When that didn't work he walked up and down the aisle and tried chatting with everyone.
Once we landed in San Fran we headed to the correct terminal and once there found the nursery and stayed there. Just us. Jasper was able to be loud, walk around, play, eat and not be cooped up. We were there about 2 hours. I ran him as ragged as I could. Once on the flight to Orlando we fell asleep for about an hour and when we woke up Jasper was fully ready to be mobile. I kept him in the carrier as long as I could and even pulled out my phone for 2 music videos (~20m each; Joseph made them before we left in case I needed them). We watched them a couple of times then he wasn't having any more of that so we walked up and down the aisle. It wasn't a full flight so he made friends with the attendants and some of the passengers.
We were exhausted when we touched down in Orlando. Jasper cried the last 30 minutes of that flight because I had to hold him and he couldn't walk around. That was it for the crying though. Out of the 30 hours he only lost it that last 30 minutes. What a good baby! I tell you though, I was exhausted from keeping him entertained. I didn't sleep or eat much of that entire trip. When he was sleeping for the long haul, I kept watch over him so he didn't scoot in the aisle and all that--he moves a lot when he sleeps.
Stuff to remember is when to change diapers. I changed his diapers on the fights every 2 hours (expcet on the long haul when he normally slept for bed). I put him in overnight diapers each time just in case, and we stayed in the bathroom about 30 minutes at a time so he could be out of the carrier and "play" in the bathroom. He could stand/sit without being attached to me. I had Clorox wipes and wiped everything down first; of course.
Arriving in Orlando was the best. Mom and dad could take over and I could relax a bit. They put him in the car seat--strange for him, but he did great. Mom brought milk and water/juice for him plus some graham crackers and banana,etc. For me? A roast beef publix sub. The best! I scarfed that down in a hurry and then we chatted most of the way back home. Whew. Now just for the return flight 3 weeks later...
Hi Elizabeth, we were ecstatic at your arrival, you and Jasper both did great on the long journey..