Wednesday, October 21, 2015

8 Months

Getting a little behind in posting about his 8th month. *sigh*
Work is getting real and Jasper is still a bit sneezy, runny nosey, etc. Not sick, but the air polution is bad and that isnt helping anyone's sinuses. 
8 months and going strong. 2 teeth coming in, 22 lbs and 28 inches. Whew!! We all knew he would be tall but, wow!

He is wearing 12 month clothes and some 9 month ones but generally speaking he is wearing anything from 9-24 months and it all fits. Ha ha ha.
The weather is freaky warm for the end of October. It is in the mid 70's during the day and in the low 50's at night, early morning.  Just get c o l d already!
Jasper is able to stand by himself without assistance for 5-15 seconds and he is reaching for spoons and likes to to sometimes hold the bottle by himself. He likes sippy cups but the ones that are similar to bottles right now. The straw still gives him pause, but he will pick it up soon enough.
All that aside, we both miss him being so little but can't wait to see him walking and talking.  We are happy we have taken so many photos.
Did someone mention his first birthday? Why yes, I believe I am excited and so tickled to plan it all out. The theme? Beatrix Potter/Peter Rabbit. Yes, I like it too.
Everything is actually planned and figured out. Most items have been purchased and the few that haven't will be fine last minute: plates, napkins, and cutlery. Plus any foods we need to buy. Getting excited!