Saturday, January 24, 2015

It's A...Boy?

Funny thing happened at the latest doctor's appointment.

This past Friday, January 23rd was my latest appointment.  I had a sonogram and at the end of the thing I asked if they were able to tell if it was a boy or girl yet.  The baby is really wiggly and it has been hard to tell. The latest information we had was it was "90% girl."

This time, however, it is apparently 100% boy.  Wow!

We are surprised but pleasantly so.  A baby is a wonderful thing and we don't mind either way if it is a boy or girl. 

We do have quite a lot of pink and purple clothes at our house though.  We have gone through most of them today and weeded out the more girly ones--the dresses.  We have kept all of the sleepers and the less girly onesies.  He will be fine in them.  Pink is the new blue. We are also looking into Carter's and The Children's Place as they ship internationally and have free international shipping from time to time as well.  All of the blankets and hats, socks and shoes are fine.  Also, who knows?  This baby may come out and it fooled everyone.  It could still be a boy or a girl--or both.  Who knows.  We are apparently ready to be ready for anything.

Also, this baby is quite big already.  I am 34 weeks as of Friday and the baby should only weight about 4.5 pounds.  It weighs 6.17 pounds.  Yikes.  I have lost more weight: 2 kg.  Not sure how, but whatever.  The baby is healthy and moving a lot in there.

At my next appointment, Feb. 6, the doctor and I will choose a date for the c-section and on the same day, Feb. 6, I will complete all pre-op procedures.  The doctor x-rayed my pelvis and my pelvis is too small and the baby's head is too big to have a natural birth so c-section it is.

It's A Boy!

We will keep all of the girl clothes. Who knows? If we have another baby or if this baby pulls the greatest joke ever. We have put the really girly clothes away in storage and kept the rest in our apartment ready for baby.

Next on the list: names!


  1. surprise! boy or girl, either one, happy family.
    lots of love,
    mom and dad

  2. Babies! They keep you on your toes right out of the starting gate! Love, Jenny

  3. Yes, they certainly do. No matter what gender it is, I'm sure he or she will be well-loved!!!

    Aunt Mary
