There was a question posted on this blog about semen analysis and why there were more than one and about the price difference, etc.
The question was asked on the January 5, 2014 blog post.
Joseph has had a total of 3 such analysis.
The first 2 were conducted at Maria Fertility Hospital in Daejeon. The first was 22,700W and then it was repeated a month later to compare results to ensure a proper sample of his sperm. The second test was 31,500W. This is the insurance price for both. Why is there a price difference? The second test was "slightly more in-depth" than the first.
Joseph and I have the National Korean Health Insurance and have found that *most* of our IVF process is covered by insurance although not all.
Joseph had another test in Seoul at One Top Andrology ( and this was more expensive because it not only tested his sperm but also hormones such as LH, FSH, D3, and other things. This test combined a "regular" and "special" analysis. It was 202,550W. This was as full a workup as humanly possible. It was fantastic to get this kind of information.
Also at One Top, Joseph had his chromosomes tested. He had a full chromosome work up so we could ensure that was not part of the issue (such as micro deletions which would lead to us not being able to have biological children). This test was 284,000W.
All testing at One Top was covered by the Korean health insurance.
If we were Korean, or if one of us was Korean, the entire IVF process costs would be 100% covered by the Korean government for 3 rounds of treatment.
**If you or your spouse is Korean and you are interested in IVF in South Korea, you should look into getting it 100% paid for. Your OBGYN will be able to give you more information and perhaps be able to refer you to a fertility hospital that will meet your needs.
There was also a question about how and why some of our prices for these IVF treatments vary from other peoples experiences and treatments while in Korea which was asked on the April 2, 2014 blog post.
I don't have the exact answer but my best guess is location and how each hospital can charge what they feel is necessary. In Korea, usually the "popular" hospitals charge more. The less well known hospitals may have a lesser price. Also, public or private hospital may also make a huge difference as well.
Our first round of IVF was done in Daejeon where everything from medical institutions, houses, fruit and meat are at least 20% lower in price than what you will find in Seoul.
Again, and I cannot say this enough, if you and your spouse have been trying to have a child for at least a year and it is not working out, I would recommend getting each of you tested so you will have as much information as possible for you to work with. You will be better able to find a fertility hospital to best meet your needs and you will better be able to ask specific questions.
**Also, if there is a sperm issue, the sooner this is discovered the better. You will have the option to freeze samples if you like as the sperm may get less potent as time goes on. Your doctor will be better able to tell you specifics according to your specific needs.
--> If you have any further questions about our process or about the process we have gone though, please ask. <--
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