Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sunshine and Roses

In the past month or so J and I have been back and forth to Seoul to an amazing doctor.

First he intrigued us, then he scared us and today, he gave us good news:  it is possible for us to have a baby.  Yes!

We are able to have a baby via IVF.  That's good news!  We were concerned the information would tell us we were unable to have a biological child and now we know we are able to!

We are all set to begin another round of IVF this time in Seoul at Rachel Fertility Hospital.  We have not made an appointment yet, but our doctor gave us a letter concerning our situation to give to them and we will see what we see.

So...what's going on and what's all the drama?

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Do you like a snag on your favorite sweater or scarf?  I don't.  In fact, I cannot think of anyone who does. 

Medical snags are even worse.  

We have hit a snag in our baby making.  

IVF: How Much?

It is much cheaper to conduct testing and have babies, surgeries, and other healthcare needs and wants in Korea.  

People come from all over the world just to use Korea's plastic surgeons.  IVF is no exception. 

Below you will find a list of how much this cost for one round of IVF and the fertility testing before hand. 

Private Hospital:  Maria Fertility Hospital of Daejeon