Friday, August 23, 2013

Maria Fertility Hospital

Maria Fertility Hospital is pretty great so far.

Their number is 042-522-6555 if you need help or any information.

First, when you become a patient you recieve a patient card that looks like a debit card with your name, doctor name and patient number.
Anytime you go for an appointment or call for information, you should need this card.

I asked our boss to help me in finding out some informaiton we had about the IVF procedure at this facility.  I wrote down the questions and then she called and had a conversation in Korean.

Below are the questions and answers.

1. Will we have the same doctor from beginning to end (including the birth of a baby)?
 No.  We are only at Maria until I am pregnant then we need to have an actual baby doctor from there.
Maria only assists with getting pregnant.

2. Exactly how much is the IVF process at Maria? 
The process runs from USD $2500 to $3000 per cycle (basically per month).  Dependent upon each woman/situation being different.

3. What is not included in this price?
Did not find out the answer to this question but it does not include the shot or pill (about 300$) taken before the actual process to jump start the multiple egg process.

4. Will Maria pull out more than 2 eggs to be used on another treatment cycle?  In other words if it doesn't work the first time, will you have to oull out more if it doesn't work the first time?
Maybe is the best answer I got.  They said it would depend on my body and how many eggs I produced.

5. How many fertalized eggs will be placed into me?
2 eggs

6. How long will I stay at the hospital straight after the egg transfer? 
I will be there for a few hours.  I should arrive around 10am and I should be ready to go home around 2pm.

7. Will I be put to sleep for egg removal?
Nope. Just a general.

8. My husband and I are both 32.  What is the birth rate for people my age at Maria?
My boss didn't want to ask this question for some reason.  Said it didn't matter---yet blah...whatever.
Will find this out myself but it doesn't seem to be a problem. They have a high success rate on couples that are on average 30 to 35 so we fit within that category.

Here goes. 

We shall see.

Here goes nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I feel great after reading this information.
    apollo hospital chennai also provides services for fertility and infertility
