Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pregnancy from the Korean Perspective

Living in a different country and being pregnant is interesting.  Old ladies and old men want to touch my belly and ask if it is a boy in addition to pressing various Korean food on me that is healthy for the baby.

I found a few websites that has a bit of this information that I think is fun to read and you may as well (here).

Super Fun Times...Not

Learned about another fun side effect of being pregnant: acid indigestion and pregnant allergies Yay! Fun! Not so much...

I have been feeling perfect up until the last 2 weeks.  Having a week long allergy attack and not taking any medicine is not my idea of a good time.  Not taking a day off, not taking meds.  Still needing to function and work and teach.  Super exciting.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Witch or Wizard??

Happy Halloween!

My next appointment is set for October 31, 2014 at 3:20p. 

What will it be?  Witch or Wizard?  

Friday, October 17, 2014

Baby Things

We have been looking at and reading about so many baby things lately. From swaddling to newborn diapers.
Since our apartment is quite tiny we are wondering just what we need and what we can get away with not having. For example, not buying a changing table. We found fold-able ones but do we really need one? My sister in law mentioned that if I end up having a c-section using the bed or something of equal height may not help the healing process. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

What To Do and How To Do It: Newborn Care

I found this link and decided the easiest way for us to remember this good information is to put it on this blog.
Additionally, it may be of use to other new parents seeking similar information.

UNICEF: Baby Friendly Hospital

Samsung Medical Center where I am a patient has been designated at a UNICEF Baby Friendly Hospital.

In South Korea, there are 11 such hospitals.  I cannot find a list of them, but according to UNICEF there are 11 in Korea so far.  For comparison purposes, the United States has 25, Sweden has 64, Canada has 1 and the United Kingdom has 29, and Ireland has 0.  This data is from December 2000 so I am sure the numbers are up a bit by now.

What does this mean?

The criteria for a hospital's Baby Friendly accreditation include:

Friday, October 10, 2014

Registering Your New Baby

When a baby is born in Korea to expat parents that baby needs to be registered.

Since we are American, this is what we need to do since we are both American.  If one of us was Korean or if one of us was another nationality it would be slightly different so if that applies to you, research what specifically you need to do.

Since we are both American this is about that specific process.

Samsung Medical Center: Gangnam

Samsung Medical Center is the hospital Joseph and I chose for baby happenings.

Dr. Lee at Rachel IVF helped us make this choice and we could not be happier.

We are very impressed with the quality and care I am receiving and recommend this hospital to any expectant mom to be especially if you are an expat.

For more information about their obstetrics please go here.
**If the link doesn't work the first time you click it, refresh it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Boy? Girl?

Joseph and I have no qualms about finding out if it is a boy or girl. We don't want that kind of secret before the baby is born. We want ample time to prepare and get things settled.
We wonder what our family and friends think. Will it be a boy or girl and how do you figure?
Looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks!♡

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Maternity Clothes!

I have begun showing finally and with that means new clothes.

Maternity clothes.

If you are not Korean, these type of clothes--who am I kidding, any type of clothes---are very difficult to find in Korea.

Baby's First Book

Yesterday, October 1, 2014, Joseph and I received the baby's first book in the mail!

Quad Blood Test

This past Friday I had another doctor's appointment. 

This one was a Quad blood test and they also did a sonogram to try and see if it is a boy or girl.  No luck on that so far.  The baby was sleeping and wasn't inclined to wake up.  Boo!

The quad blood test tests for 4 different types of substances in my blood: AFPhCG, Estriol, and Inhibin-A.  This test is designed to test the risk of possible problems such as Downs Syndrome, spina bifida, and/or Trisomy 18 or other types of chromosome abnormalities.